Category Archives: Technical Journal
The adapter pattern
The template method pattern
The bridge pattern
Identity providers and their protocols
Custom Error Pages for IIS and
Hello TLS 1.3
TLS is dead – long live TLS
Remove IIS HTTP server header
Considerations for GDPR in system design
LDAPS – The server is not operational
What is LDAPS? LDAP stands for Lightweight Directory Access Protocol. It is the protocol used to talk to Active Directory (AD). Some people confuse to two and refer to AD as LDAP. LDAPS is the LDAP protocol but with security similar to HTTP and HTTPS. an SSL certificate is used to encrypt the traffic flowing… Read More »
NGINX + https 101 The Basics & Getting Started
FedAuth tokens – Invalid Base64 characters?
unable to check revocation
The revocation function was unable to check revocation .. huh? The error ‘The revocation function was unable to check revocation because the revocation server was offline.’ is raised when an application is trying to check if the provided certificate is valid but it is unable to connect to the revocation server.