Author Archives: Wayne Barker

My first glimpse at OAuth 2.0.

So what is this OAuth?  This is what wikipedia says: OAuth is an open standard for authorization, commonly used as a way for Internet users to authorize websites or applications to access their information on other websites but without giving them the passwords.[1] This mechanism is used by companies such as Google, Facebook, Microsoft and… Read More »

The architect.

Where does architecture start? Something that is always present in the role of architect is that of project management. Architecture should start at the executive level of a company where the strategy (“what”) is discussed. That mean the top most architect reports to the executive, you may have domain expert architects placed within diffrent departments.… Read More »

How to become a software architect.

How to become a software architect? How to guide your career? No one can explain this better than Juval Lowy. No one is going to make you a architect. It is something you have to chase, align your life, your career and focus on becoming an architect.